The second part of this post is in English :)
Zdravo svima! Danas vam donosim recenziju jednog od najboljih drogerijskih proizvoda koje sam ikada imala priliku probati - DEBORAH contour palette. Stvarno sam bila prijatno iznenađena ovom paletom. Zašto? Saznaćete ubrzo...
Kupila sam ovu patetu prije par sedmica po sniženoj cijeni od otprilike 14 KM. Njena regularna cijena je oko 20 KM, možda čak i malo niža! Imala sam dovoljno vremena da je isprobam, a koristim je gotovo svaki dan.
Pakiranje je napravljeno od čvrste, kvaltetne plastike. Nije previše lagana i pakiranje je samo po sebi veoma lijepo. Ne dolazi u kutiji. U paleti se nalaze četiri nijanse. Na poleđini su i upute za šta i kako koristiti svaku od njih, ali ja ih uvijek zanemarim.
Po uputama, prva nijansa bi se trebala koristiti kao highlighter, što je i logično. Treća nijansa je bronzer i namijenjena blendanju svega. Koristim je upravo u te svrhe. Preostale dvije su nijanse za konturiranje. Najtamnija je smeđa, hladnog podtona. Navodno je namijenjena ljudima tamnije puti, a druga nijansa- smeđa sa crvenim podtonom, za ljude svijetlije puti. Lično, smatram ovu nijansu beskorisnom, upravo zbog pretjeranog crvenog tona. Druga nijansa funkcioniše savršeno za mene, iako imam svijetliju kožu.
Sada ću reći nešto više o svakoj nijansi:
- Da budem iskrena, kupila sam ovu paletu zbog highlighter nijanse! Mislim da svi možete vidjeti zašto. Ovaj highlighter ima pigmentaciju na kojoj mu mogu pozavidjeti mnogo poznatiji brendovi. Ržičastog je tona i ima najsitniji mogući shimmer. Mala količina ovog highlightera je dovoljna da zadaovolji čak i one kojima nikad dosta highlightera (kao što sam ja).
- Ova nijansa bronzera izgleda jako slabo pigmentirana, ali uistinu nije. Ovu nijansu koristim svaki dan kao bronzer jer je jako lako blendati i postepeno graditi intenzitet. Potpuno je mat. Licu daje divan, prirodni, bonzani izgled.
- Treća, crvenkastosmeđa nijansa je najpigmentiranija od ove tri smeđe nijanse, što je velika šteta, budući da je nikad ne koristim.Malo se teže blenda od ostalih.
- Četvrtu, najtamniju nijansu, koristim gotovo svakodnevno. Blenda se sa lakoćom i možete postepeno da je dovedete do željenog intenziteta.
Kada se sve uzme u obzir, stvarno sam zadovoljna sa ovom paleticom i kupila bih je opet bez prevelike dvojbe.
Ocjena: 8/10
Ocjena: 8/10
Hello everyone! Today I'm doing a review of one of the best drugstore products I've ever tried- the DEBORAH contour palette. I was very pleasantly surprised with this palette. Why? I'll tell you in a minute.
I picked it up perhaps a month ago on a sale and I paid 14 BAM for it ( around 7$), but the regular price is around 20 BAM, perhaps a bit cheaper. I've had plenty of time to try it out and I've been using it almost every day.
The packaging is made of firm, good quality plastic. It's not too light and the packaging is overall very pretty. It doesn't come with a box. There are four shades in this palette. On the back of it, there are instructions on how to use each one, but I've never followed those.
According to them, The first one should be used as a highlighter, which is kind of obvious. The third one is more of a bronzing shade and it's intended for blending everything. That is exactly what I'm using it for. The two of the remaining shades are the contour shades. The darkest one is a cool-toned pure brown. Apparently it's intended for people with darker skin and the the second, more reddish brown, is for people with lighter skin tone. Personally, I find the last shade completely useless, because of it's reddish tone. The other contouring shade works perfectly for me, even though I have more of a lighter skin tone.
Now I want to talk a bit more about each shade.
Now I want to talk a bit more about each shade.
- To be honest, I bought this palette because of the highlighter and I think that you can see why. The pigmentation of this highlighter shade is so amazing that even the world's best makeup brands can be jealous of this pigmentation. It's pink toned with tiniest shimmers and small amount is enough even for the highlight-obsessed, such as myself.
- The bronzing shade looks very poorly pigmented on the swatch, but for me it works very well. The shade itself is completely matte. It's highly blendable and buildable and it gives your face a beautiful, natural bronzed look.
- The third, reddish brown, is the most pigmented and vivid of the three. It's a little bit more difficult to blend and, as I said, I never actually use this shade.
- The fourth shade is the darkest contouring shade. I used this quite a lot. It's nicely blendable and you can gradually build it up, depending on how intense you want your contour to be.
Overall, I'm very happy with this palette and I don't regret a single penny.
Score: 8/10