
Hello everyone! I guess this is my first blog post. Well this is new. Let's see if I got it in me...

So, after a couple of years of binge watching YouTube gurus and makeup artist and reading all these amazing blogs, thinking "Wow, I really want to do this!"- I finally found the courage to make my own blog.

Jogging? I thought you said blogging.

I guess this is a part where I say something about myself... Well, my name is Dženana and I'm a student from Sarajevo, Bosnia&Herzegovina. Since my highschool years, I've been into makeup and all things fashion. I see this blog as a way to express my own personal style and to exchange opinions and experiences with other amazing bloggers from all over the world. Hopefully, you guys will enjoy my posts and being a part of my little world.


Pozdrav svima! Izgleda da je ovo moj prvi post. Pa vidimo kako se snalazim...

Nakon par godina religioznog praćenja YouTube gurua i makeup artista i čitanja svih ovih nevjerovatnih blogova, napokon sam skupila hrabrosti da i sama napravim blog. To je nešto što sam oduvijek željela.

Sada bih vjerovatno trebala reći nešto o sebi... Pa, zovem se Dženana i studentica sam. Živim u Sarajevu. Još od srednjoškolskih dana, volim šminku i sve vezano za modu. Ovaj blog vidim kao priliku da izrazim svoj stil i da razmjenim mišljenja i iskustva sa drugim divnim blogerima iz cijelog svijeta. Nadam se da ćete uživati u mojim postovima i u tome da budete dio mog malenog svijeta.

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