Gledajući YouTube beauty kanale, prije
nekih mjesec dana sam primijetila pravu pomamu za Nivea After Shave Balmom.
Naime, djevojke su našle način da iskoriste još jedan proizvod koji nije
najmjenjen nježnijem polu. Neka genijalna osoba se dosjetila toga da bi možda
šminka dulje ostala na licu ako bi prvo nanijeli ovaj balsam. Tako je Nivea
After Shave Balm postao najpristupačniji i sigurno jedan od najkvalitenijih
primera na tržištu.
Možete ga pronaći u svim drogerijama i prodavnicama po cijeni od 12-14 KM za količinu od 100ml. ________________________________________________________________________
About a month ago, I was watching YouTube
videos and the thing I noticed was that every girl went crazy over Nivea Men's
Sensitive After Shave Balm. Apparently, the balm happens to work incredibly as
a primer. Some kind of genius tried using it instead of a primer and Eureka!
Now, this product is the most affordable and surely, one of the best primers
out there.
You can get this product for around $8 for 100ml.
You can get this product for around $8 for 100ml.
Pakiranje je jako lijepo i kvalitetno.
Proizvod dolazi u teškoj, staklenoj bočici. To mu daje jako kvaltetan i skup
izgled. Što se tiče sastava, bitno je naglasiti da je ovaj balazam bez alkohola
i sadrži glicerin. Stoga sensitive u opisu proizvoda. Meni je to stvarno super,
budući da je moja koža izrazito suha i osjetljiva. Miris proizvoda je baš muški,
što je za očekivati, i veoma lijep. No, budite bez brige jer će brzo nestati sa
kože. Poslije pudera i svih ostalih proizvoda, miris će se potpuno izgubiti.
The packaging is very nice and good
quality. The product comes in a heavy, glass bottle. It gives it an expensive
look. The label says the balm has 0% alcohol and it has glycerin in it. That is
one of the best things about it, since I have extremely dry and sensitive skin.
The balm smells really nice. It's gentle, but noticeably men's. Not to worry
though, the smell will go away in a matter of minutes, especially after you've
applied the foundation and ton of other things.
Testirala sam ga par sedmica i veoma mi se
dopalo šta sam vidjela. Tekstura je za mene predivna. Tečnija nego što se
očekuje. Pomalo kao Balea Aqua Serum, ako ga je neka od vas koristila. Stoga,
budite pažljive sa količinom koju nanosite jer se veoma lako možete zanijeti,
pa će vam izaći višak proizvoda. Veličina graška je sasvim dovoljna. Za kratko
vrijeme će postati pomalo ljepljiv na koži, ja tada nanesem puder, a za par
minuta se upije u potpunosti.
Što se tiče rezultata tetstiranja -
oduševljena sam! Zaista, ovaj proizvod osim što radi ono što kaže da radi -
smiruje i hidratizira kožu, on obavlja i fanstastičan posao kao primer. Koža
ispod šminke će biti hidratizirana a sve preko balzama će se lijepo blendati i
izgledati bolje. Šminka će na vašem licu ostati dok ne odlučite da je skinete,
a u ekstremnim uvijetima, skinut će se u minimalnoj količini. Inače, kada
stavim šminku bez ovog "primera", na kraju dana, maramica za
odstranjivanje šminke bude blago prekrivena ostatcima šminke, a sa primerom,
zapravo imam šta skinuti i poslije dugog dana.
Sve u svemu 10/10 i topla preporuka jer bolji primer nećete naći za ove novce.
Sve u svemu 10/10 i topla preporuka jer bolji primer nećete naći za ove novce.
I tested it for a couple of weeks and I
really liked what I saw. The texture is beautiful, for me at least. It's a bit
more liquidy than expected. Kinda like Balea Aqua Serum, if any of you used it.
That's why you really need to be careful with the amount you apply, because you
can get carried away really easily and you end up with too much of the product
on your hands. Pea sized amount is perfectly enough. When you apply it to your
skin, it will become sticky very fast, and that is when I apply the foundation.
It soaks in entirely in a matter of minutes, if you prefer it that way.
The results of the testing - I'm amazed!
Really, besides doing what it says it does - moisturising and soothing the
skin, it does an incredible job as a primer. The skin will be moisturised under
the makeup and everything will be easier to blend and it will look better. The
makeup will stay on your face until you decide to take it off. In extreme
conditions, it might get off just a little bit. The best proof is the
fact that without using this primer, I would take my makeup off at the end of
the day using makeup removing wipes and just a tiny bit of makeup would be left
on it. Now, with this primer, there's actually makeup left to be removed even
after a long day.
Total score: 10/10 and an honest recommendation because you won't find a better primer for this price.
Total score: 10/10 and an honest recommendation because you won't find a better primer for this price.