Ovoga puta vam donosim recenziju jedne od Maybelline maskara. The Falsies Push Up Drama je mlađa sestra klasične Maybelline Falsies maskare. Kakav dojam je ostavila na mene, pročitajte u nastavku.
This time, I'm bringing you a review of one of the Maybelline mascaras. The Falsies Push Up Drama is the younger sister of the classic Maybelline Falsies mascara. Was I impressed? You'll find out in a minute.
Pakiranje je lijepo urađeno. Razlikuje se od klasične Falsies maskare. Podsjeća me na neki proizvod koji je namjenjen za Valentinovo zbog dizajna. Četkica je dosta neobična. Ima veoma kratka "vlakna" koja su jako razuđena. Kada je otvorite, za sobom povuče malo previše proizvoda, što je veoma loše jer je ipak u pitanju maskara.
The packaging is very pretty. It's completely different form the classic Falsies. It reminds me of some product released for Valentines day because of the design. The wand is quite unusual. It has very short "fibers", that have a lot of space between each other. When you open the mascara, the wand gets too much of the product on it. It's a big flaw since we are talking about mascara.
Formula je jako tečna i mokra. Maskara je suši veoma sporo i slijepi moje trepavice, osim ako ne posvetim posebnu pažnju na to kako je nanosim. U svakom drugom slučaju ću završiti sa spider lashes. Nije mi naročito uvila trepavice, a volumen koji sam njom postigla je bio neznatan. Summa summarum, jako sam neimpresionirana ovom maskarom.
The formula is very liquid and wet. It dries slowly and it clumps my lashes, unless I pay a very special attention on how I apply it. It didn't curl my lashes and the volume it gave them was insignificant. I'm completely unimpressed.
Na slikama možete vidjeti kako to izgleda na mojim očima. U biti, ova maskara nije toliko loša, ako vam se da gubiti vrijeme na čekanje da se osuši ili da je nanosite jako pažljivo.
Ocjena: 4/10
On the pictures, you can see how it looks on my eyes. In the end, this mascara is not that bad, if you don't mind loosing time on waiting for it to dry or on being super careful when applying it.
Score: 4/10